Learn about our program and prices 
Because we are using special memory techniques and learning methods, you get concentrated knowledge and skills in the fraction of the time it would take in the traditional setting. Not only do we save you months and months of prep time, we are able to give you a good price as well. Watch this short video about what we offer and the amazing deal you get. 

To give you an idea, our 6-Week SAT/ACT Math program offers you 45 hours of teacher instruction, plus we check 24-36 hours of homework that all students turn in after every lesson. We also provide office hours, group discussions and check-in calls. 

Additionally, when parents sign a contract with us, there are 2 Money-Back Guarantee provisions. The first one allows parents to withdraw their student from the program after 2 days if they think it is not a good fit for them. This gives them the added peace of mind that they will get the best possible learning method for their child.

The second provision certifies that when we complete the initial assessment and accept the student into the program, we guarantee that they will master Algebra 1, Geometry and parts of Algebra 2 and will improve their initial SAT/ACT score on the Math section. Now, we don't just guarantee that we will teach the necessary concepts, we guarantee that students will remember them and will be able to apply them to solve SAT/ACT problems. 

To receive such level of mastery in 2.5 subjects (Algebra 1, Geometry and parts of Algebra 2), students ideally need 2 years of tutoring, which will cost parents from $2,000 to $6,000. By contrast, our course covers all this material in 6 weeks and costs just $20/hour. 

We have individual coaching available on demand as well. 
Learn more about the content and total price of our program 
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